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DPP Haji Instructs DCI to Close Case Against Matiang’i

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji has rejected charges leveled against former Interior CS Fred Matiang’i.

Haji on Monday said the investigating officers provided insufficient evidence to warrant charges.

“Upon independent and thorough analysis of the evidence availed and a review of the statements of the witnesses, the Director of Public Prosecutions found that the evidence provided was not sufficient to sustain the above charges against Dr Fred Okeng’o Matiang’i and his advocate Mr Danstan Omari,” Haji said.

He added: “The evidence provided did not meet the ingredients needed to prove each of the afore-mentioned offences as required by law.”

Read: Matiang’i to be Charged with Publishing False Information

The DPP instructed the detectives to close the case without taking any additional police action.

Last week, the DCI said it would charge the former CS with publishing false information in violation of Section 23 of the Computer Misuse and Cyber Crimes Act of 2018 and conspiracy to commit a felony.

This was in relation to the February 8 raid at his Karen residence by alleged police officers.

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