Now word is out from the woman known to have successfully forced a boyfriend to provide for her upkeep. These are the reasons which sometimes make you not trust the stories told by the likes of Nazlin Umar and Esther Passaris.
While Esther Passaris tried to ride on the “success” of adopt-a-light, Nazlin Umar once vied for the presidency of Kenya with her only strong point being that she was the best because even “Raila tried to sexually assault” her. Nazlin and Passaris are women who would use their sexuality to bring a man to do what they want. They can’t be trusted in this regard. There are women to trust. Passaris and Nazlin Umar are not some of them.
Passaris has come out to claim that Dr James Mwangi, Equity Bank CEO, tried to force her into bed. She didn’t narrate how this happened but you must realize that it’s that season of political campaigns and anything can be said to get into the headlines. So unless Passaris provides some believable explanation, it might just be a means to grab the headlines without spending a dime.
@JoeAsali @TheStarKenya @KeEquityBank James Mwangi CEO cannot handle being rejected. Regret banking there & having the bank as a client.
— Muthoni, OGW (@EstherPassaris) July 29, 2016
@TheStarKenya start with @KeEquityBank who levy hidden charges & refuses to reverse the same. Also find ways to address sexual harassment.
— Muthoni, OGW (@EstherPassaris) July 28, 2016
@bonifacemwangi @EstherPassaris wby would james mwangi look for a nyanye when he has 18-24 year olds at his disposal? I dont believe, lies!
— anthony kibagendi (@KibagendiToni) July 31, 2016
.@EstherPassaris has tweeted Equity’s JamesMwangi sexually harassed her.Many women have complained,1 has gone public
— Boniface Mwangi (@bonifacemwangi) July 31, 2016
Not that Dr Mwangi is a saint. He is in fact known to love women to the extent that he would not fail to use his money and influence to get them into bed. But that doesn’t make the word of every claimant true.
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