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Drama As Kayole DCIO Jackson Owino Arrested At Gunpoint [Video]

Kayole DCIO Jackson Owino was recently arrested at a city club in a dramatic incident that brought business at the entertainment joint to a standstill.

Kahawa Tungu has established that the detective was picked by officers from Kasarani Police Station after an argument with a woman identified as Elizabeth Wangari. The incident happened at Seasons Lounge on Friday, March 25, 2022, at around 2:45pm.

A police report filed at the Kasarani Police Station on March 26 indicates that the senior investigative officer had taken his car to the said bar for washing when he noticed Wangari smoking in the joint.

He went ahead to caution her to stop doing it since it was inappropriate.

“A confrontation erupted between the two and the said Elizabeth Wangari walked out of the bar hurling insults to the senior police officer that he ought to know people,” the police report reads.

After a while, police said, Wangari came back to the bar accompanied by two police officers, Marwa Matiko who was in a police uniform and Charles Maina who was in civilian attire. The officers are said to have questioned the officer why he was threatening the woman.

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In a CCTV footage seen by this writer, the DCIO is seen entering the club and is confronted by the officers while interacting with revellers who seem to know him. He shows the officers something that looks like an identification document but they don’t appear convinced.

Owino, dressed in a grey suit, is later seen seated at a corner enjoying his drink before he is rudely interrupted by the cops again. An argument ensues that degenerates into a fight.

The DCIO attempts to resist arrest but one of the officers in the new ‘persian blue’ uniform threatens to open fire, forcing the police boss to tone down.

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Civilians, who attempted to intervene, were roughed up by the armed officer, and opted to watch from a safe distance.

The officers later managed to handcuff Owino before dragging him out of the joint.

The report filed at the Kasarani Police Station indicates that Owino was disarmed his Ceska pistol with Matiko discharging two rounds of ammunition from the weapon outside the bar. He also fired four rounds of ammo from his Scorpion rifle.

The cops frog matched Owino and a civilian identified as Zacharia Mwambi to Kasarani Police Station.

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However, the senior officer was released from custody following the intervention of another officer at the station identified as David Ekeno.

Matiko was arrested and booked at the station for assault pending further probe.

Here is the video:

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