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Drought Is A Cover Up To Import Maize- Mututho Claims



Former Naivasha MP John Mututho has said that the drought is a cover up for the government to import duty free maize.

He asked the government to release the funds to pay maize farmers so that the crop could be released to starving areas.

The Government should use funds held by the Ministry of Agriculture to pay maize farmers, who will in turn release the produce in their stores and in the process save hundreds of lives,” Mututho said.

He also asked the President to stop any importation of maize so as to avoid another scandal. The Sh7 billion  maize scandal is yet to be resolved. Last year the president directed Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri to pay the maize farmers.

Maize farmers had complained of not receiving their payment and that the money was instead paid to proxy.

Read:DCI Sleuths Target eCitizen Over Disappearance Of Sh5.6 Billion

The Deputy President William Ruto and the Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa have refuted that there is a food crisis in Turkana, Baringo and parts of Tana river. He said that there have been no deaths as a result of the drought as reported  by various media outlets.

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