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Duale Axed, Replaced By Amos Kimunya In New Jubilee National Assembly Leadership Changes

duale, daily nation

National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale. [Courtesy]

Majority Leader in the National Assembly Aden Duale has been relieved of his duties in the new House leadership changes.

President Uhuru Kenyatta replaced Duale with Kipipiri MP Amos Kimunya in a Jubilee Parliamentary Group meeting held at Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) on Monday morning.

Deputy President William Ruto, whose allies have been the major casualties in the party shake-up,  also attended the meeting.

Duale survived the ongoing purge in the ruling party in a PG meeting held at State House on June 2.

The axe, however, fell on majority whip Benjamin Washiali and his deputy Cecily Mbarire. Filling their positions were Navakholo MP Emmanuel Wangwe and Igembe North MP Maoka Maore respectively.

But Kieni MP Kanini Kega took the fight to the majority leader’s doorstep by collecting signatures in support of his removal.

Read: Speaker Muturi Okays Expulsion Of 16 Jubilee MPs From House Committees

Kega managed to collect over 125 signatures hence sealing Duale’s fate. The impeachment motion was tabled before the party leader, Uhuru, who convened today’s meeting to announce more changes in the National Assembly.

Kega a member of the Kieleweke group allied to Uhuru argued that Duale had failed the loyalty test.

Kimunya had during the June 2 meeting been elected Jubilee Coalition Joint Secretary.

Following the former Finance Minister’s election as Majority leader, Eldas MP Adan Keynan was picked to replace him as the Coalition Secretary.

The new changes come just days after Speaker Justin Muturi approved Jubilee’s move to kick out 16 perceived rebel MPs from various house committees.

Read Also: Jubilee Asili Is Not A Party, It Is A Meeting Point For Disgruntled Members – Murkomen

Among the ousted MPs are vocal Ruto allies Kimani Ichungwa, Gladys Shollei, Moses Kuria and Alice Wahome.

The Jubilee purge also saw key Ruto allies in the Senate stripped of plum positions.

Kipchumba Murkomen, Susan Kihika and Kithure Kindiki, who were kicked out of Majority Leader, Chief Whip and Deputy Speaker positions respectively, were accused of frustrating President Kenyatta’s agenda in the house.

The onslaughter targeted at the DP allies, pundits believe, is aimed clipping his wings hence thwart his influence in Parliament ahead of 2022 presidential elections.

Read Also: My Little Ideas Are Not Listened To Nor Recognized – Jubilee Deputy SG Caleb Kositany

The perceived rebel MPs recently unveiled parallel Jubilee offices they branded as Jubilee Asili said to be located on Makindu Road, off Riara Road in Nairobi’s Kilimani area.

Murkomen said the aggrieved lawmakers took the move after they were blocked from accessing Jubilee party offices located in Pangani.

The Elgeyo Marakwet Senator explained that Jubilee Asili is not a party but “a meeting location for like-minded MPs”.

But Jubilee Asili, branded with Ruto’s dissolved URP party colours, has been touted as a new vehicle that the DP could use in the race to State House.

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