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EACC Accused Of Bribing Witness In Waluke, Wakhungu Case

Grace Wakhungu (Left) an Sirisia MP John Waluke (Right) during a hearing (Image/Courtesy)

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) is now facing accusations of bribing a South African witness in the case where Sirisia MP John Waluke and Grace Wakhungu were convicted.

In their appeal, the two say that EACC bribed Mr Leon Maynard, a director at Chelsea Freight, to testify in the case entailing Ksh297 million in maize dealings.

In his testimony, Mr Maynard says that EACC paid his air ticket from and back to South Africa, accommodation and also a stipend and gave him security.

In appeal documents, Waluke and Wakhungu say that EACC did not reveal the payments during trial, pointing out to a possible bribe to the witness to fix them.

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“The only witness from the said Chelsea Freight Company was paid by the EACC to testify against the accused. Over and above the travel and accommodation expenses, the witness admitted to have been paid a stipend who amount we do not know and had enough motive to fix the appellants,” the application states.

Out of the Ksh297 million that was paid out, Mr Waluke admitted that he was paid Ksh50 million while Ms Wakhungu got Ksh40 million.

Waluke was sentenced to 67 years in jail while Ms Wakhungu, mother to former cabinet secretary Judy Wakhungu, was sentenced to 69 years in jail.

Alternatively, the two would pay a fine of Ksh721 million for Waluke and Ksh700 million for Wakhungu, plus other fines for their company, Erad Supplies and General Contractors Ltd.

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