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EACC Probing Former Machakos CEC Wambua Musyoka Over Unexplained Wealth

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) is probing the former Machakos County Urbans CEC over unexplained wealth.

According to documents by the EACC, the former CEC acquired over half a billion between January 2014 and July 2021.

Thus, an Anti-corruption court in Nairobi has obtained orders to freeze Sh11.5 million in his accounts.

Also, the EACC says during the aforementioned period of time, companies associated with the former CEC failed to remit taxes amounting to Sh181.7 million. The companies involved are M/S Wisdom Holding Limited, M/S Wemmar Entreprise, M/S Wafih International Limited and M/S Kikoto General Merchants.

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“Investigations by the plaintiff (EACC) revealed that he received substantial successive cash deposits in his various bank accounts which he could not satisfactorily demonstrate the source and therefore the commission reasonably suspects that the same were bribes and proceeds of crime received by virtue of his employment at the County government of Machakos,” court documents state.

According to EACC, the cumulative value of all his assets and the salary earned during these periods do not make sense hence it is seeking to recover the funds that were accumulated illegally.

So far, a court order has been obtained directing the freezing of his Equity bank account as well as two vehicles pending hearing and determination of the matter.

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