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Ex-Kenya Pipeline MD Charles Tanui Ordered To Present Himself At EACC Headquarters Over Ksh30 Million Irregular Payment

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has ordered former Kenya Pipeline Managing Director Charles Tanui to present himself at EACC headquarters, Integrity Centre, in Nairobi, immediately over alleged involvement in irregular payments amounting to Ksh30 million.

In a statement on Wednesday, EACC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Twalib Mbarak stated that investigations had revealed that Kenya Pipeline paid Redline Limited for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of three auto-transformers procured from M/s Agecelec of France using false documents for services not rendered.

“The EACC established that a total sum of Kenya Shillings Thirty Million (Kshs. 30,000,000/=) was paid to M/s Redline Limited using false documents whereas the items were never installed, tested or commissioned as per the contract agreement, ” said Mbarak.

Mbarak said two former employees of Kenya Pipeline have been arrested today in connection with the fraud.

They are Elias Maina Karumi (Former Chief Manager-Technical) and Josphat Kipkoech Sirma (former Chief Electrical Engineer).

Read: How Former KPC Manager Elias Karumi and Associates Were Paid Ksh 1.2 Billion For Doing Nothing

The suspects will be charged with abuse of office contrary to section 46 as read with section 48 of the Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes Act, Making a false document contrary to section 347 (9) (a) as read with section 349 of the penal code and willful failure to comply with law relating to procurement contrary to section 45 (2) (b) as read with section 48 of the Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes Act, No. 3 of 2003.

The suspects including Tanui were in 2015 charged with abuse of office over the auto-transformers tender.

Tanui was unceremoniously kicked out over the irregular tender which authorities at the time said led to a loss of Ksh29 million.

In 2018, the scandal riddled MD was also charged alongside seven other people with conspiracy to defraud the company of more than Ksh644 million.

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The other persons are Philip Kimelu, Bramwel Juma Wanyalikha, Charles Ndiritu Maitai, Charles Ochieng Ouko, Fredrick Kagoshi Ogenga, Francis Omondi Obure and Beryl Aluoch Khasinah.

The case relates to a tender issued to an overseas company between October 2014 and July 2015.

Tanui was charged with willful failure to comply with procurement laws by entering into a legal contract with Aero Dispenser.

The case is ongoing.

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