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EACC Warns Gov’t Entities Against Misuse of El Nino Funds

eacc counties recordkeeping

EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak. [COURTESY]

Ministry, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the national government and county governments have been cautioned by EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak against violating the procurement law in anticipation of El Nino.

The anti-graft agency boss recommended they follow the law when making purchases and spending money ahead of the anticipated rains.

Mbarak said in a statement that the Commission had learned of reports of disregard for the law in the beginning and execution of various mitigation measures.

He pointed out that this neglect could result in financial irregularities and the theft of public funds.

Read: Nairobi County Unveils Measures to Address El Niño Menace

“Accounting officers will be held personally liable for any loss, unauthorized expenditure, or misuse of public funds,” he warned.

Mbarak emphasized that Section 11 of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act of 2011 gives the Commission the authority to independently advise anyone on any subject related to its mandate.

In accordance with the Leadership and Integrity Act (LIA), he continued, EACC may demand that public entities comply with Chapter Six of the Constitution.

The warning comes after the Kenya Meteorological Department issued alerts regarding anticipated rains that might start in September 2023 and last until January 2024.

Read Also: Kenya Braces For El Niño’s Return With High Rainfall Warnings

Director of the meteorological department David Gikungu said the the rains will begin next week in various parts of the country.

He added that most places will receive above-average rains until the end of December.

“The onset of the rains is expected between the second to the third week of October over several parts of the country except over the highlands west of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria basin, central and southern Rift Valley where rainfall is expected to continue from September,” Gikungu said.

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