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Ekuru Aukot Tells IEBC Chairman To Focus On Conducting Elections And Not Mediating Talks

ekuru aukot

Ekuru Aukot has faulted IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati for trying to hold talks with NASA leader Raila Odinga and Jubilee presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta saying that he should instead focus on conducting the fresh presidential polls.

He said that the call for dialogue was the commission heeding to Raila Odinga’s tune and justifying his withdrawal from the election. Ekuru Aukot said that the IEBC chairman should reveal the challenges that the commission is continuously facing and that give a way forward on challenges arising.

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In his address to the Nation Wafula Chebukati offered to mediate talks between the two sides saying that they are the ones who would ensure that the country does not plunge into chaos after the October 26 elections

he meeting scheduled to discuss the issues  by the two presidential candidates and their running mate has been rescheduled.

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