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Revisiting Elvis Mbonye’s Prophesies And His New Warning To Uganda

He is revered by many in Uganda and some in other East African countries as a Prophet. Elvis Mbonye, a man in his early 40s, is a man who has grown from almost zero to controlling massive crowds in Kampala Uganda, and he claims that whatever he has prophesied has come to pass.

According to video clips posted online, Elvis Mbonye has Prophesied several events that have come to pass, but the interpretation on whether he is a true or false prophet, that we cannot determine.

For instance, on January 2, 2018, a video posted on YouTube shows that Elvis Mbonye predicted correctly the winners of the Oscars Awards 2018.

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In one of his predictions, he said that a 2007 come-of-age romantic drama play Call Me By Your Name would win an award, and James Ivory got awarded for the play in the Best Adapted Screenplay category.

He also predicted that Coco would win the award for the best animated feature, which it did. For the Best Production Design, Mbonye predicted that the movie The Shape of Water would win, it did.

For the Best Film Editor Award, he predicted that Dunkirk would win, which it also did. The Award for the Best Actor went to Garry Oldman.

You can listen to the predictions here:-

This will leave you wondering - 2018 Oscars Prophesied!

He also predicted a storm during President Donald Trump’s inauguration in February 2017, which he said could be symbolic or direct. Despite the weatherman predicting a hot day during the inauguration, there was actually a storm, and according to Mbonye, the protests held in many parts of US was another form of storm.

This particular detail prophesied- Donald Trump Inauguration!!!

He had also predicted the win of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America.

Here in Kenya, he predicted the win of President Uhuru Kenyatta as the fourth President of Kenya.

According to the videos also, he predicted the resignation of David Cameroon as the UK Prime Minister four years before it happened, and his place taken by Theresa May.

In another video, he foretold the xenophobic attack in South Africa, which he termed as social unrest. The prophesy happened in January 2015, and the actual attacks came to happen in April 2015.

Two years before former Zimbabwe President the late Robert Mugabe resigned, Mbonye foretold it, saying that another person who was ‘yearning’ for the seat would be given the opportunity. He was alluding to Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former Vice President.

In January 2018, Mbonye also foretold of a two-tier parliament in Uganda, and by October the same year, leaders were pushing for the same led by former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi.

Elvis Mbonye in 2028. [PHOTO/ COURTESY]
However, not only that. The man of the cloth now claims in a letter to Ugandan political leaders that Uganda could be in grave danger for passing draconian laws to oppress the citizens of Uganda.

The letter which has attracted the attention of top political leaders claims that even religious leaders have joined the leaders in evildoing.

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“The events of recent months will help to illuminate your stand in matters concerning God’s agenda and or otherwise the enemy’s global agenda. Please, don’t give us reason to suspiciously watch you. Unfortunately, you have not even spared place of worship as your tentacles have spread across and seen and felt. The “clergy” who have been infected by dirty politics have brought this contagious bug to the churches, infecting the flock with it and thus ravaging it by causing division using the hate that is witnessed,” he writes.

The letter has attracted the attention of top political leaders including opposition leader Kizza Besigye, Chris Obore and Nobert Mao.

Here’s the letter:-

Greeting in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To those of you who are truly committed to the building of our nation into a desirable place to live, one we can be proud of, thank you. However, I would be failing in my duty if I did not bring to your attention what is Divinely required of you and urge your thoughtful consideration. You bear heavy responsibilities especially in these times when the threat of a global evil agenda is knocking at the door of our beloved nation. Oh Uganda, may God uphold thee!

In the face of this danger, there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of this threat if we are to ensure the survival of what truly makes us as a nation whose God is the true God. We know from Proverbs 14:34 that “righteousness exalts a nation”, and believe me this goes beyond holding “prayer breakfasts” and merely giving God lip service in your speeches. Therefore, I do ask every politician to re-examine his or her own conscience as far as this imminent matter is concerned, and to recognize the nature of our country’s peril.

Proverbs 29:2 says, “when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth the rule, the people moan”. Uganda will turn out to be a reflection of either the righteous being in authority, in which the people rejoice, or the wicked, bearing the rule in which case the people moan. The events of recent months will help to illuminate your stand in matters concerning God’s agenda and or otherwise the enemy’s global agenda. Please, don’t give us reason to suspiciously watch you.

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For instance, there are conditions which the Ugandan people would never consent to. So I hope you bear this in mind as one who truly cares not only for the well being but also for the freedom of the people or else it would tantamount to some kind of raping of human rights. Using a crisis, a time to darkness, to pass or impose certain laws would not be any different from the time that was chosen by Jesus’ detractors to arrest Him; “when I was daily with in the temple ye stretched forth no hands against me: but THIS IS YOUR HOUR, and the power of darkness”- Luke 22:53.

Unfortunately, you have not even spared place of worship as your tentacles have spread across and seen and felt. The “clergy” who have been infected by dirty politics have brought this contagious bug to the churches, infecting the flock with it and thus ravaging it by causing division using the hate that is witnessed. You must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, especially when it extends to matters of faith.

Guard against the temptation of playing God like other States have seemingly done, because if you do, you can count on us to resist you with our very life: “and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony. AND THEY LOVED NOT THEIR LIVES UNTO DEATH” – Revelation 12:11. We are as a people inherently and historically devoted to God. And also please, stop the arrogance of trying to resist certain men and women of God just because they are not your preference by deciding for the people who they should or should not listen to. This is also playing God we will resist it.

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Dear politician, if it looks like tyranny, talks like tyranny and walks like tyranny it is not constitutional democracy. This self deluded arrogance which goes like this: “my version of Christianity is right, and yours is wrong, and because you are wrong, your freedom of worship doesn’t need to be taken into account”, should have no place in a civilized society. Look at the historical tyrannies and show me the difference between them and this kind of attitude. There is none.

Dear politician, don’t get us to the place where we have to make a choice between you and God: “judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to listen to you rather than God” – Acts 4:19. Be God- conscious in your responsibilities. Surround yourself with real men and women of God; the ones you can consult with about the mind of God concerning any matter, not the ones that are merely your puppets. The good news is such men and women who hear God exist. The bad news is these are the ones that have fallen prey to the slandering, blackmailing, patronizing and lying machinery of the dirty politician. The naive segment of the public has been hoaxed by this machinery of dirty politicians.

Dear politician, these issues are for you to deal with. No other person will deal with them for you. In these last days, those who make themselves our enemies, that is, enemies of God, are setting themselves up for a fall. They are “kicking against the pricks”. The cup of their rebellion is almost full before God, waiting to be poured upon them in judgement.

Dear politician, you can ignore God but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring God.

Prophet Elvis Mbonye
Founder and President Zoe Fellowship Ministries.

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