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Embu Court Destroys Consignment of Bhang Valued at Ksh4 Million

A consignment of bhang with a street value of about Ksh4 million was on Tuesday destroyed in Embu in an event presided over by officials from the Judiciary.

Embu Chief Magistrate Maxwell Gicheru witnessed the destruction of the illegal substance at Tenri hospital incineration chamber.

Gicheru said the move was in line with the law as such exhibit ought to be destroyed completely.

The marijuana was seized early this year in Embu town.

Read: Cops Destroy Acres Of Bhang Plantation In Naivasha, 14 People Found Weeding Crop Arrested

Two individuals nabbed with the substance were arraigned in court and charged.

Embu West Deputy County Commissioner Caroline Imaya seized the moment to warn residents over drug trafficking.

The administrator said the war on the illegal business will be won with cooperation between security agencies and the Judiciary.

Read Also: Police In Marsabit Impound Water Bowser Carrying 700Kgs of Bhang

The destruction of the bhang by incineration, Imbaya said, is part of the government’s efforts to prevent pollution of the environment, further commending Tenri Hospital management for allowing them use their incinerator.

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