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Embu Politician Dennis Mbae Fatally Shot In Suspected Business Rivalry

A renowned businessman and politician was on Wednesday night fatally shot by unknown assailants in Embu town.

Dennis Mbae was apparently on his way home when his assailants approached him in an unregistered vehicles and shot him at close range.

The former MCA aspirant’s killers, witnesses said, blocked his car and fired more than 20 times, leaving him for dead.

Locals responding to the gunshots found Mr Mbae groaning in the vehicle with blood oozing from various parts of the body. They rushed him to Embu Referral Hospital where he breathed his last as medics attempted to save his life.

Read: Man Fatally Shot in Broad Daylight in Mirema

“The victim was badly wounded during the 11pm attack and he would not have survived,” one of the witnesses Mr Josphat Kithu is quoted by the Nation.

Embu West Sub-county police boss, Julius Kyumbule, said the authorities are yet to establish who the killers are and the motive behind the most heinous crime.

“It is true the trader was heading home when he was fatally attacked by people whose vehicle had no registration numbers. We have commenced investigations with a view of establishing the truth of the matter,” he said.

This Mr Kyumbule said even as Former Embu Kenya National Chambers of Commerce chairman, Maina Kanyi speculated that their colleague was executed over business rivalry.

Read Also: Slovenian National Shot Dead After Confrontation with Robbers Along Mombasa Road

“We are living in fear following the death of our colleague. Police should carry out thorough investigations and bring the culprits to book,” said Mr Kanyi.

Mbae’s killers did not steal his belongings.

This comes weeks after leader of a “Pishori Syndicate” Samuel Muvota was executed in a similar style on Mirema Drive off Thika Road.

Mr Muvota was shot six times by a man who the police are yet to identify. His killer, CCTV footage shows, lay in wait on the side of the road before taking his life in broad daylight.

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