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Esther Arunga’s Deserved Harsher Punishment – Mother-in-law Declares

esther arunga

Former TV presenter Esther Arunga [Courtesy]

Esther Arunga’s mother-in-law Roselyn Wambitta has declared her hatred towards her following her sentencing on Thursday.

Ms Wambitta also affirmed that Ms Arunga deserved a harsher penalty as opposed to the 10 months on parole that the Australian court handed her.

Speaking to the media, the mother of eight noted that she fails to understand why former TV anchor was not handed the maximum 25 years stipulated in the law.

Read: Esther Arunga’s Mother-in-law Dismisses Her Guilty Plea, Says She’s A “Gold-digger”

Quincy Timberlake mother Roselyn Wambitta. /Courtesy

Wambitta also stated that she strongly believes that Arunga had something to do with the death of her grandson, despite her wanting to place all the blame on her son, Quincy Timberlake.

“I have no reason to celebrate Arunga’s victory concerning the murder case against my son even if she is happy. She knew she was going to win the case from the beginning,” lamented Ms Wambita.

Ms Wambitta has further insisted that Ms Arunga’s presence in her family was the beginning of their troubles.

Speaking at her home in Mbeme, Kisumu county, Ms Wambita expressed her disgust with Kenyans for only highlighting Arunga on the news in the matter and no one was speaking about her son.

Read also: Ex News Anchor Esther Arunga Sentenced For 10 Months, Released On Parole

“I have neither spoken nor heard about my son. Everyone is talking about Arunga, but what about my son? Is he okay, how is he coping with the situation, what about his sickness, is anything being done?

“The news is all over Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, televisions, and newspapers all with pictures of Arunga but what about my son?” she posed.

Additionally, she revealed that she is on a mission to bring back Quincy’s first wife, Rose Mueni home since she was her son’s true love.

‘’I don’t love Arunga and will never accept her back as part of my family, now I have to find my daughter in law Mueni Timberlake and bring her home together with my three grandchildren,” concluded Ms Wambitta.

Appearing before the Supreme Court in Brisbane, Arunga pleaded guilty to being an accessory to murder. She said she only lied to protect her husband, Quincy Timberlake.

She had also told the police that the deceased fell down the stairs but according to an autopsy report, the boy died “as a result of severe blunt force such as punching or stamping or similar”, which was not consistent with a fall.

The court consequently sentenced her to 10 months in prison but was immediately released on parole.

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