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Esther Murugi Shuts Down MP Questioning Her Ability To Perform At NLC

Esther Murugi. [Courtesy]

Former Nyeri Town MP Esther Murugi on Thursday shut down Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo who questioned her ability to perform government duties at her age.

Appearing before the parliamentary committee, Murugi, who is 65, affirmed that she is of good health and her age would not deter her from effectively serving in the National Lands Commission (NLC) if her nomination is approved.

She was appearing before legislators who were vetting her for her suitability to serve in the position she was nominated to by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

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Additionally, she noted that she lived an active life and as such fit to serve in the commission.

She hilariously stated: “The MPs questioning me about my age, [I would like to tell you that] I am not joining the National Land Commission to play football.

“I am not going to a football field or dancing competition I go to the gym every morning and I can say am fitter than some 35-year-olds,” she exclaimed.

In his defense, MP Mbogo stated that he wasn’t going to let the age debate slip, given the Jubilee administration promised to create jobs that would be taken up by the youth, yet, day in-day out, “it is the elderly people” who end up being appointed to vacant positions in government.

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“I am representing the youth in this vetting exercise… We shouldn’t fool the youth that we are creating employment opportunities for them, yet it is the elderly people who end up being recycled in government,” said Mbogo.

When the lawmakers inquired about the ex-legislator’s net worth, Mirugi divulged that she is worth Ksh320 million.

Esther Murugi lost the Nyeri Town MP seat in the August 8, 2017, general election to Wambugu Ngunjiri.

Murugi was first elected Nyeri Town representative to the National Assembly in 2007 polls under a PNU ticket.

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