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Esther Passaris Dressed Down Over Her Remarks On MP Allowances

Esther Passaris. [PHOTO/ COURTESY]

Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris was for the better part of Wednesday evening on the receiving end of Kenyans’ wrath over her recent attempt to justify the Members of Parliament’s appetite for allowances.

This is following the ongoing debate on recent outrageous allowance demands by the MPs. They include a Ksh250,000 house allowance and a “night” allowance dubbed “Domestic Subsistence Facilitation” that will see the legislators receive between Sh18,200 and Sh24,000 per night.

On June 21, Esther Passaris tweeted that most legislators often spend their earnings on their constituents. She claimed that Kenya is a dependency state and until it evolves to an independent society, the problem of MPs demanding for huge allowances will always be there.


Hawk-eyed netizens, who have been lamenting on the legislators’ greed, were quick to notice Ms Passaris’ post.

Read: Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo Trolled As He Suggests That He Is Broke

A section of tweeps urged the legislator to step down and give other people a chance to serve instead of overburdening the nation with their greed.

The netizens argued that it’s the MPs who have created the dependent society they are ever complaining about.

In response, the legislator rubbished the claims saying integrity ought to start from the grassroots.

However, some tweeps accused Ms Passaris of allowing her emotions to cloud common decency.

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Passaris is not the first legislator to be trolled over the heated debate. On Tuesday, KOT bashed Rarieda MP Otiende Amolo after he claimed that he’s not making as much money serving the people as he used to when he was just the ombudsman.

Here are some of the reactions from Ms Passaris’ conversation.

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