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Facebook Extends Ban on Trump’s Accounts Indefinitely

US President Donald Trump’s social media censure continues after Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg announced that his account had been suspended indefinitely on the both Instagram and Facebook.

Through his official Facebook account, Zuckerberg condemned the recent events where protesters attacked the Capitol hill, resulting in the death of four people.

“Trump’s decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world. We removed these statements yesterday because we judged that their effect -and likely their effect- would be to prove violence.” Zuckerberg wrote.

Read: President Trump Threatens Social Media Giants With Executive Order After His Tweets Were Flagged

Trump’s accounts have since been suspended indefinitely “and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.”

Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat earlier suspended Trump’s accounts after he tweeted his support to protesters who attacked Capitol Hill. In a social media message, he told the protesters he loved them, asking them to go home while reiterating his fraud claims regarding the US elections.

YouTube also took down videos of the attack on Capitol Hill.

Trump has since acknowledged through a video that he will not be serving a second term. Meanwhile, prosecutors are considering preferring charges against the US president for incitement of the rioters. Congress is also mulling over a second impeachment attempt.

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