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Film Depicting Nyayo Era Set To Be Released After Long Wait


1988, a film depicting the Nyayo Era during the tenure of Late President Daniel Moi is set to be released after a two-year wait.

TUFILAMUPICTURES, the production team behind the film has announced through a trailer that it will be available on Youtube for the public to watch on Friday, April 10.

The film documents the stories in the Nyayo era and focuses on the life of Khoti Babu, a law-Student from the University of Nairobi.

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For instance, Khoti’s life takes a new twist after he falls on the wrong side of the government and gets bolted up into the famous Nyayo Chambers for allegedly ill-talking the government.

The film accounts for the suffering and torture by the guards in the chambers and Khoti is promised immunity only if he betrays and mentions one key figure at the University.

According to the film’s director Robert Asimba, the story was created from various interviews with people who lived through the era and others who were subjected to detention and suffering.

This included human rights activist and political detainee Koigi Wa Wamwere who was one of the victims to have suffered.

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“The people we interviewed were jailed, released, followed. They have a lot of information about 1988. We also had a chat with Koigi. We have an entire feature film based on the interviews we did. We are showing what actually happened we just didn’t want to do it as a documentary,” Asimba is quoted.

In addition, the director indicated more plans to work on a longer version of the film adding that more information from reliable people had been received to back it up.

“We got more information from a doctor abroad who deals with matters of torture who sent us a very confidential document that helped us craft the story. We are focusing on Khoti the law student, but the whole script will focus on everybody involved including the people who used to torture and why they did,” he said.

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The film also features the infamous ‘torturer-in-chief’ James Opiyo who was reported to have been the most dreaded guard.

“The entire story has Opiyo and his family. From the information we have we know that he is blind and ailing and that he’ll never talk to the camera. But his story is featured: you can narrate it from the people who were there,” Asimba revealed.

Following Late Daniel Moi’s death, Koigi who suffered under his regime stated that he would not miss him due to what he was subjected to.

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The veteran politician commemorated the 9 years he was put on detention and torture adding that he was disappointed he died without owning up to his misdeeds during his 24-year tenure.

 “I don’t want us to meet in the same place in heaven ….” he said.

While making a comparison between the first President of Kenya Late Jomo Kenyatta and Moi, Wamwere stated that the latter was worse.

“He detained me for nine years and it is very difficult [for me] to give him high marks,”

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