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Five Die by Suicide in Separate Incidents Reported to Police 

Police are investigating five cases of suicide reported on Sunday July 21.

The first incident happened in Kahawa West, Nairobi where the body of Samuel Njuguna, 53 was found dead in his locked single-roomed house in Kongo-Soweto sub Location.

Police visited the scene and confirmed the incident and after accessing the room through a neighbour’s house they found him hanging from the window pane from a sheet with his feet partly touching the floor and a bucket in between them.

He was last seen on July 19 getting into the house.

The body had ligatures around the neck, police said as they moved the body to the mortuary.

In Kikuyu, a tenant jumped from the eighth floor of his house and died on landing on the ground floor in a suicide mission.

The deceased was identified as Dr. Keith Mandela Makori, 30.

He had earlier called his girlfriend and registered suicidal ideation, whereby the girlfriend reported the concerns to one of the victim’s friends.

The friend happened to have hosted the deceased and on receiving the call he rushed back to the house where he found him sprawled on the ground with injuries on the head, both legs broken and he was bleeding from the mouth and nose.

He immediately called an ambulance but unfortunately, the victim was declared dead on arrival at the Karen hospital.

The body was preserved at the same facility awaiting postmortem.

In Mombasa’s Makupa area, one Samuel Matatwa Koli, 24 died by suicide in their house.

His body was found hanging on a nylon rope on the rooftop of the house.

His brother came home on Sunday only to find him dead and hanging on the rope.

Police said a suicide note explaining the cause as a domestic issue with his wife together with the rope were kept as exhibits.

The body was removed to the Coast General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem examination.

In Makongeni, Nairobi, 39-year-old John Mwangi Kareri died by suicide by hanging himself on the rooftop of their residential iron sheet house.

Police said the deceased used an aerial cable in the mission. The motive of the incident was not immediately known and the body was moved to the mortuary.

In Ruiru, Kiambu County, the body of a 42-year-old man was found in his house after a suspected suicide incident.

The incident happened in Ruiru-Muchana estate and involved one Shadrack Ndungu Wanjiru.

The deceased’s relatives said they went to check on him and found the door locked from inside and after knocking several times, there was no response.

Police were called and broke into the house where they found the body hanging on a roof with a mosquito net material tied around his neck.

A piece of paper with a handwritten suicide note was found on the table beside the bed.

The note was kept for analysis and the body was moved to Kigumo Mortuary awaiting postmortem examination.

Cases of suicide are on the rise in the country amid calls to address the trend.

There were 174 cases of suicide reported in 2020 as compared to 196 in 2019, 302 in 2018, 421 in 2017 and 302 in 2016. The majority of the victims were male, police reports say.

Police say the trend has been worrying and increasing as up to two cases are reported daily.

The World Health Organisation says such cases are attributed to joblessness, death, academic failures or pressures, legal difficulties and financial difficulties.

Other reasons are bullying, previous suicide attempts, a history of suicide in a family, alcoholism and substance misuse, depression, and bipolar disorder.

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