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Francis Atwoli Abandoned Me for Mary Kilobi, Second Wife Claims in Audio

/courtesy Atwoli and Wife Roselinder Simiyu

Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) secretary general Francis Atwoli had indicated in a television interview claiming that he had released his second wife (Roselinder Simiyu Atwoli) because she chose to run for a political seat, claims Kahawa Tungu can confirm are false.

Details have emerged that the trade unionist abandoned his wife Roselinder Simiyu in December of 2016 and refused to go home since then.

In a phone call that Kahawa Tungu obtained the two are heard arguing about his wife relocating from their house because the “household belongs to the man.”

In the audio clip, Atwoli is heard telling his wife to implement the divorce which she had threatened before.

She said that he had refused to pay school fees for her children and had since been forced to sell her assets in order to fend for her children yet she was married to a multi billionaire.

Read:Governor Waititu Calls Sonko Pleading For His Wife’s Release (Video)

She said that she felt that she needed to live her life and that is why she opted to vie for a political seat. Rose seems to even insinuate that Atwoli is not sleeping with her and making her lonely and desperate, reasons which were forcing her to look for solace on the political front.

The flashy trade unionist is heard telling her that he will go to any lengths to ensure that Rose relocates from the house including bringing the house down.

Speaking on Citizen TV on Wednesday night, Atwoli accused the wife of prioritizing politics hence his taking in KTN’s Mary Kilobi.

“The reason I asked her not to pursue politics was that I needed somebody to take care of me. Since she joined politics, I married Kilobi so that she attends to me,” he said.

Here is the audio:

[videopress 2HF7IkoJ]

He also told the JKL Host Jeff Koinange that he was happily married to Kilobi who he intends to give a “comfortable life due to the nature of her job.”

He also showed off his Sh5 million gold watch yet according to Rose, she is sometimes penniless.

Rose was vying for the Webuye West parliamentary seat but lost to Dan Wanyama.

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