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Court Finds Rugby Players Frank Wanyama, Alex Olaba Guilty Of Sexual Assault

frank wanyama, wendy kemunto

Frank Wanyama and Alex Mahaga in Court. [Courtesy]

A court has found two rugby players; Frank Wanyama and Alex Olaba Mahaga guilty of sexual assault.

The players were accused by singer Wendy Kemunto of repeatedly sexually assaulting her in their Seefar Apartment on February 10, 2018.

“Nairobi court finds rugby players Frank Wanyama and Alex Olaba guilty of sexually assaulting and indecent act. To be sentenced tomorrow. The duo are accused of assaulting a woman last year as Seefa Apartments, Highrise, Nairobi,” DPP said in a tweet.

According to Kemunto, the two sexually assaulted her as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Read: Five Times Frank Wanyama, Alex Olaba’s Alleged Rape Case Ruling Has Been Postponed

She went public with the incident in April last year, in a series of Instagram posts that sent the internet into a frenzy.

“I was slipping in and out of consciousness may be due to shock but I was helpless. I couldn’t fight two men who play rugby professionally. Obviously, they were stronger hence I let them do whatever they wanted to do the whole night.

“I could have reported the case to the police but I was in denial, shock, pain and exhausted. I didn’t want to report also because of the profile of one of these rugby players.”

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On his part, Wanyama said that she (Kemunto) was trying to extort him but never Olaba.

The players, while appearing before Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi in 2018 denied the charge and were released on bail.

They will be sentenced on Friday.

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