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Friends Of Jowie Irungu Raise Sh80,000, Sister Speaks For The First Time


Joseph Irungu alias Jowie in court on Thursday, November 21, 2019. [Courtesy]

Friends of Jowie Irungu have apparently raised Sh80,000 so far via paybill in a bid to settle his Sh2 million cash bail and secure his freedom according to his sister, Nelius Irungu.

Jowie is the prime suspect in the murder of Monica Kimani and has been in custody for close to two years.

He was however freed on Sh2 million cash bail by High Court Judge James Wakiaga citing no compelling reasons to detain him as 15 witnesses had already testified in the murder case.

After being granted bail, his allies and family took to social media to raise funds for the bail and have him back home.

According to K24, his sister pleaded with Kenyans to help out in the contribution stating that the money would be appropriately used and accounted for with the provision of receipts and bank statements.

Read: Jowie Irungu Released On Sh2 Million Bail

“We are looking to raise the fee that has been requested by the court, to have him out from Kamiti. As a family, we are pleading with fellow Kenyans for contributions. This money will be used appropriately. If one will have questions on how we have used their contribution, we’ll be more than willing to make available the receipts and bank statements,” she is quoted.

For instance, the sister indicated that since the bail money was not raised in full on Friday, Jowie was returned to Kamiti Prison and would only secure his freedom after it is completely settled.

It has also been established that the family together with close friends are working to have the money raised, as the sister hinted that their father has a parcel of land to sell to raise the funds.

“Our dad has a parcel of land that can be sold to raise some money which will go towards securing my brother’s freedom. We are waiting for land valuers to tell us how much the land can fetch. We could use that land as part of Joseph’s bond,” she said.

Read: Jowie Reportedly On Hunger Strike At Manyani Prison, Family Says He is In Bad Shape

She also added that her brother would be enrolled for counseling services after he is released as he might have been subjected to inhumane conditions going by the complaints he had initially raised about his state of living.

“We would recommend Joseph Irungu goes for counseling after he is released. We are not sure what he was subjected to when he was in remand. As a family, we will stand by him,” she concluded.

Irungu was arrested alongside her ex-fiance and TV girl Jacque Maribe over links to the murder of Monica Kimani, but Maribe was shortly released on bail while Jowie’s bail application had been denied a couple of times.

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