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Gideon Moi Attends Azimio La Umoja As OKA Co-principals Give Event Wide Berth

KANU party leader Gideon Moi is among high-profile politicians attending the Azimio La Umoja event at Kasarani stadium in Nairobi.

Gideon met ODM leader Raila Odinga and Mount Kenya Foundation (MKF) leaders at Safari Park Hotel before making his way into the stadium.

The last born son of Kenya’s second President Daniel Arap Moi is the only One Kenya Alliance principal attending the event where Odinga is expected to officially declare his 2022 presidential bid.

Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi and his Ford Kenya counterpart Moses Wetangula declined invitations to attend the event.

Kalonzo Musyoka of Wiper is in Juba, South Sudan for an official function.

Yesterday, Mudavadi said he would not be attending the event due to personal engagements.

Read: It’s Raila’s Day, Mudavadi Says As He Rejects Invitation to Azimio la Umoja

“I have just received an official invitation to Azimio la Umoja Convention. As noted herein, the invitation was addressed in my personal capacity as ANC Party Leader and not OKA Principal. Regrettably, I will not be able to attend because of personal engagements. Raila Odinga is a worthy competitor, I wish him well because tomorrow will clearly be his day in the sun,” Mudavadi said.

Hours later, Wetangula issued a similar statement.

“I received an invitation to my brother Hon R A Odinga party leader ODM to attend his Azimio event tomorrow. Due to prior engagements, I will not attend. I wish him well,” said Wetangula.

Read Also: Mt. Kenya Foundation’s Demands To Odinga As They Endorse Him For The Presidency

The leaders are reportedly hesitant to support Odinga’s presidential bid despite pressure from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

On the other hand, Gideon, who was recently given a go-ahead by his party to contest for the presidency, is said to be open to the idea.

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