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Githeri Man Is Battling Stage Five Of Addiction, Help Him – Counselor

Martin Kamotho, popularly known as “Githeri Man”, who last year graduated from a rehabilitation centre in Kiambu, is battling stage five of addiction Kahawa Tungu has learnt.

Sergent Moses Kimenchu, a drug and addiction counsellor, visited Githeri Man at his home in Kayole, Nairobi, and concluded that the man had gone back to excessive drinking.

Kimenchu noted that Kamotho now needs urgent rehabilitation and medical attention.

“The man requires urgent medical attention, mentorship and counselling before his case gets out of hand,” Sgt Kimenchu told a local media in Murang’a.

The counsellor noted that he decided to visit Kamotho after photos of him “dead drunk” on a trolley went viral on social media last month.

“Even after rehabilitation, Mr Kamotho went back to his usual living area. There was no follow up from the rehab’s management, and then the man was already frustrated by the various sponsors who had hired him to advertise their products but failed to pay him yet people perceive him as a rich man. He must have turned back to drinking to run away from criticism and questions,” said Kimenchu.

Read: Githeri Man Speaks On Viral Photo Of Self Being Dead Drunk On Trolley

Speaking to a local media after the photos went viral, Kamotho defended himself saying he was not drunk.

“I did not do anything wrong. If anything, it was me who asked to be put on a trolley. I am a comedian, and I wanted to entertain my people by pretending that I am a wealthy man being ‘chauffeured around’,” he said.

However, the 43-year-old noted that he got into excessive alcohol use after some of the business owners and corporates, who had pledged to help him financially failed to fulfil their promises.

Speaking on the failed promises, Githeriman lamented: “I have been knocking on the doors of people, who promised to help me. However, they often tell me that they are not in a position to assist. What do you expect me to do when that is the case?”

Read Also: Companies Yet To Fulfill Promises Made To Githeri Man

In 2018, Kamotho completed a 7-month rehabilitation program at the Mama Care and Rehabilitation Centre in Kiambu. The event was graced by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Githeri man during his graduation /Courtesy

Kamotho came to limelight during the 2017 General Election after he was photographed in a queue eating githeri.

The photo brought the nation the much-needed relief, earning him the coveted Head of State Commendation in December 2017 during the country’s Jamuhuri Day Celebrations.

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