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Gladys Wanga Demands Apology From Khalwale For Linking Her To Kemsa Scandal

Homa Bay Woman Representative Gladys Wanga has threatened to sue former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale for uttering defamatory statements.

In a demand letter to the ex lawmaker, Wanga through her lawyers Otieno Ogola & Co. Advocates demanded an apology and compensation for damages incurred within 7 days.

According to Wanga, Khalwale made the remarks on August 8 in Busia county.

He said, “Gladys Wanga was included in the National Assembly Finance Committee and she made sure that Junet Mohammed was paid by KEMSA.”

The remarks, she said painted her in bad light and meant that she is a corrupt individual responsible for misappropriation of monies allocated to the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (Kemsa).

“In uttering the said words, you knew or ought to have known that at no time or point whatsoever has our client been responsible for the management, administration or even making payments to service providers of KEMSA or is any way involved in the financial administration of the agency,

“The purpose of this letter is to demand from you , which we hereby do, an unqualified apology to our client prominently uttered in similar manner the defamatory words were uttered and shared and compensation for loss and damage caused to her character within seven days,” the letter read.

The ODM party to which Wanga belongs has been accused of double speak with party leader Raila Odinga taking the heat.

Three days ago, Raila said that audits must be done first to ascertain the allegations, saying that none of the “social media noise makers” have evidence of any embezzlement.

“The position of the party in the current allegations of corruption in COVID-19 related resources is that the government needs to conduct a thorough and urgent audit of all the funds that have been put at the disposal of various state agencies, departments and ministries to fight the pandemic with a view to establishing the facts on usage of such resources,” Raila said.

“As matters stand now, none of the people taking to the podium or social media to condemn theft of funds has any evidence. The so-called condemnations of theft could well be part of a cover-up.”

Investigative reports by NTV indicated that the state had lost at least Ksh43 billion of donor funds meant for Covid-19.

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