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Go About Your Daily Business – CS Kindiki Tells Kenyans Ahead of Protests

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Interior CS Kithure Kindiki. [COURTESY]

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has warned that anti-government protesters will be prosecuted if they participate in violent demonstrations.

In a statement, CS Kindiki said security forces have been sent in to prevent violent protests.

“National security agencies have deployed all the available resources to ensure that the scenes witnessed on Wednesday do not happen again. Anyone planning to unleash violence on Kenyans is hereby warned to cease and desist,” he said.

Read: Envoys in Kenya Call for Dialogue Ahead of Three-day Protests

The minister also noted that there were incidents of lawlessness and destruction of property during the Saba Saba demos.

“The destruction was done by persons purporting to exercise their Constitutional rights and freedoms. The Country almost degenerated into total chaos perpetrated by criminal elements hiding under the guise of the Article 37 right to assemble, demonstrate, picket and petition public authorities,” he said.

The former Tharaka Nithi senator urged Kenyans to continue with their daily routine as he assured them of their safety.

He asked those looking to participate in the demos to do so within the confines of the law.


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