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Google Commits Sh100 million to Enhance Access to Justice

Google has donated Sh100 million to enhance of connectivity to the Kenyan judiciary with an aim of improving access to justice.

Google’s Director for Eastern Africa Agnes Gathaiya said the programme, which would be implemented in collaboration with Kenya’s Ministry of Information Communication and Technology would aid in the digital transformation of of the judicial system across the country.

Speaking in a meeting with Chief Justice Martha Koome, Gathaiya reiterated the tech giant’s commitment to improve the access and affordability of the internet. She said the company was committed to driving digital skills, supporting the growth of local online content and accelerating social impact by supporting NGOs and community-based organisations.

Read: Google Launches “Google for Non-profits” Empowerment Programme In Nigeria

In a meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta early this year, Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai pledged $5 million towards Kenya’s economic recovery during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Through academics and other independent third parties, we support research and capacity building on subjects such as data governance, Internet governance, copyright in the information age and intermediary liability protection,” Gathaiya told the CJ.

Chief Justice Koome said harnessing the use of technology in the delivery of justice was one of the key pillars of her vision.

Read: Google Launches Sh2.7 billion Fund to Empower Women

“The key thrust of the place of technology in my vision will be entrenching virtual court services and applications, ensuring efficient operations of the e-filling systems and rolling out e-filling desks in Huduma Centres,” the CJ said.

The judiciary will also see some key technological transitions including computerization of case management processes, the development of multi agency systems and the computerization of court administration and corporate services.

The Chief Justice also said that they would upgrade the skills and administrative capacities of individual institutions, and use technology to develop better corporate and support services

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