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Governor Kibwana Speaks Out After Deputy Decamps to UDA

Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana has finally broken the silence after his Deputy, Adelina Mwau joined DP Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

Today, DP Ruto announced that the Makueni County DG had joined his team just days after Governor Kibwana declared support for Raila Odinga’s Azimio la Umoja movement.

However, according to the county boss, Adelina will walk alone despite numerous efforts and meetings held to convince other county employees to join her in her exit.

Kibwana says Adelina’s move is inconsequential as she had pledged to take along a good number of political friends but they turned her down.

“She had even pledged to take with her a huge delegation of our common political friends to UDA, who declined her overtures,” Kibwana said.

Read:Makueni DG Adelina Mwau Defects To UDA Days After Kibwana’s Azimio Declaration

He further reiterated his stand to support Odinga’s Azimio la Umoja adding that the people of Makueni shared the same vision with him.

“The voice of the people of Makueni has always been our guide in decision making. I will not abandon that principle for political expediency. Adelina will walk alone,” the Governor added.

Mwau deputized Governor Kivutha Kibwana of the Muungano party since 2013. She is eyeing the county’s Woman Representative position.

Last week, the governor shelved his presidential ambitions and announced his support for ODM leader Raila Odinga’s presidential bid.

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