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Gov’t Allocates Sh741 Million, 30-acre KU Land to WHO


Construction of WHO Hub in Kenyatta University. [COURTESY]

The government has allocated 30 acres of land and Sh741 million in support of the establishment of the World Health Organization Regional Office Of Africa (WHO-AFRO) Regional Emergency Operations and Logistics Hub.

The project, which is part of the Operations Support and Logistics pillar, seeks to bridge the gap in public health emergencies in the region.

Health PS Mary Muthoni in a meeting with Norwegian officials led by the Health Ambassador John Aren Rottingen said the hub will improve emergency responses across the continent.

Last year, KU vice chancellor Prof Paul Wainaina was fired for allegedly opposing retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s allocation of Sh600 million for the construction of the hub.

The institution of higher learning and the Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital had been warring over the ownership of a 1,000-acre piece of land.

Prof Wainaina then said that the land in question had been set aside for the construction of a children’s hospital after KUTRRH was made a parastatal.

“We know the government owns the land but everyone knows KU got the individual title deed of the land. Even if it’s the government that wanted part of our land, the right procedure has to be followed and we were supposed to be communicated to,” Prof Wainaina said.

In response, the retired head of state said some managers did not have the interest of the country in mind and that they, just like him, would be going home soon.

“We have individuals who are very ignorant and behave as if they have never entered a classroom… they don’t understand that Kenya has never operated in isolation. We shall deal with those individuals swiftly and very effectively,” said the head of state whose reign comes to an end in less than a month.

“I will go home with them in three weeks.”

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