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Gov’t to Enroll 3,400 Youths in Kazi Mtaani Programme to Help in Fight Against Malaria

The government is set to hire at least 3,400 youths in the Kazi Mtaani Phase Three programme to help in the fight against malaria in the country.

This was revealed on Wednesday by Willis Akhwale, a Senior Advisor at African Leaders Malaria Alliance.

The officer said the youths will be deployed in 16 counties that are highly burdened by malaria.

The move, Akhwale said, is in line with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s recent directive on the resumption of the Kazi Mtaani Programe that saw thousands of youths benefit from the program launched in April last year.

The youth will be deployed soon to support malaria control efforts across the country.

“President Uhuru Kenyatta has directed that the youths involved in malaria activities in the country be incorporated in the Kazi Mtaani Initiative,” he said.

Read: Uhuru Promises Return Of Kazi Mtaani

Speaking during the Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kirinyaga County last Wednesday, President Kenyatta directed the National Treasury to allocate Sh10 billion to the Kazi Mtaani programme.

The allocation, the Head of State noted, was necessary due to the success of the programme and its effect in enhancing opportunities for the youth across the country.

“I direct the National Treasury to allocate Sh10 billion for the third phase of the Kazi Mtaani Programme. The programme covering over 200,000 youths will be rolled out to all counties, with priority given to densely populated areas,” the President said.

Also Read: Hang Me In Broad Daylight If Kazi Mtaani Funds Are Embezzled – PS Hinga Says

“I am happy to note that Kazi Mtaani, various tax reliefs and aid poise programs have reflected as a strong revenue performance for the country, increasing it by some 26.8 per cent.”

Following the directive, Charles Hinga, the Principal Secretary, State Dept for Housing and Urban Development, said the third phase will be bigger and better.

He hinted that the youth will be assigned other duties apart from the manual jobs the first and second cohorts were engaged in.

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