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Gov’t Forms Team To Vet All Kenya Power Employees In Clean Up Exercise

The government has constituted a Vetting Cluster Team to appraise all Kenya Power employees in a cleanup exercise meant to streamline services at the state agency.

In a memo, KPLC asked all staffers to disclose personal information such as bank statements, assets, liabilities, and employment details to help the team carry out the vetting exercise.

Cecilia Kalungu – Uvyu, the Kenya Power General Manager, HR and Administration, said the vetting exercise is in line with recommendations made by a Taskforce appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to review the company’s purchase agreements.

The information sought includes: Employment particulars of the officer (Full Names, Identity Card Number, Passport Number, Pin Number, Driving License Number, Mobile Telephone number, Daytime Telephone Number, Email); Residential address(es) of the officer and spouse(s) for the last five years, ownership status of current residence; Power/water meter numbers, any other utility account numbers; Current posting of officer; Employment; Job Group/Grade; list of previous deployments and number of years served per deployment; history of disciplinary cases; promotions received; and Full Names and Identity Card numbers of immediate family members (spouse, children, dependents, parents, siblings); business associates; agents; or associations where the officer has a direct and indirect pecuniary (financial) or non-pecuniary (financial) interest.

Read: President Uhuru Orders the Ministry of Energy to Implement Cost Reduction Changes at KPLC

Further, the employees are required to disclose businesses they own, control, or those managed by immediate family members that have had commercial dealings with KPLC.

They are also required to list all moveable and immovable assets owned/partly owned by themselves or the immediate family members, business associates or agents including data on acreage, location, and status (e.g. whether charged to financial institutions, joint ownership, allotment etc.) including dates of acquisition;

Other information required includes: Machinery, vehicles, and other assets where the officer has a beneficial interest; Stocks, shares and partnerships including investment groups of which the officer and spouse are members; Certified copies of bank statements of the officer and spouse for the last six months including any foreign accounts; and certified copies of mobile money statements of the officer and spouse for the last six months.

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Others are Kenya Revenue Authority Income Tax Returns for the officer and the officer’s companies/businesses for the last three years; Club Membership (s); Social media accounts/handles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) etc; and List of liabilities (Including loans, mortgages, chattels, guarantees, school fees and school accounts; cumulative insurance policies; and holidays.

Kalungu noted that the list is not conclusive and that the staffers may be required to present additional information, as may be deemed necessary.

“All staff members are hereby notified and urgently required to provide the information listed in sealed envelopes addressed to “Head of KPLC Vetting Team”. The envelope shall also indicate the name and staff number of the employee, to be received at the 6th Floor Boardroom, Stima Plaza, by Close of Business, Monday, 22nd November 2021,” the memo dated Thursday, November 18 reads.

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Employees based in regions are required to submit the information to their respective Regional Human Resource Office, on or before the date indicated above.

“Staff members are assured that the provided information will be treated with utmost confidentiality and in due regard to everyone’s constitutional right,” the memo adds.

The Presidential Taskforce was established in March 2021 to address the high cost of electricity for both individual consumers and enterprises.

The Taskforce submitted its recommendations to the Head of State in September.

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