High Court Judge Hedwig Ongudi has declined to issue orders barring the media from covering the Ndichu brothers assault case.
The twins, through their lawyer claimed their case had been publicly prosecuted adding that the media had portrayed them falsely and labeled them as sexual offenders. They thus sought to have the media barred from covering the case.
On Monday, the twins were set to appear in court to face the charges of assault and malicious damage to property but they failed to show up.
Eddie tested positive for Covid-19 on March 12, according to their lawyer, while Paul is being held in isolation after showing symptoms of the disease.
Read: Eddie Ndichu A No Show In Court for Third Time, Suffering from Covid-19
“The accused person tested positive on March 12 and is in quarantine together with the second accused person who has shown some symptoms related to Covid. We expect them to finish the quarantine on March 26,” the lawyer told Kibera chief magistrate Ann Mwangi.
Eddie failed to enter a plea for the third time after failing to appear on February 8 and March 9.
The court heard on March 9 that his employer refused to allow him time off to attend the court session. Paul Ndichu, his brother, has already been charged.
On the night of October 16-17 last year, Paul was accused of attacking Cheryl Murgor, and Stephanie Murgor at the Ole Sereni Hotel on Mombasa Road in Nairobi.
Read Also: Ndichu Twins Deny Offering to Settle Matter with Murgor Sisters out of Court, Want them Arrested
On the same night at the same hotel, he was also charged with attacking Samuel Ramdas and Patrick Koech.
Paul was also charged with malicious damage to property. The court heard that he willfully and unlawfully damaged the side mirrors of Ramdas’ car.
The two side mirrors are worth Sh87,000 each. After disputing the charges before senior resident magistrate Renee Kitangwa, Paul was released on a Sh100,000 bond and a cash bail of the same amount.
Lawyer Philip Murgor, the Murgors’ lawyer, has been bemoaning the fact that the two have yet to be charged.
The matter will be mentioned on March 28 when the two are expected to be jointly charged.
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