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How Tina Kaggia Tricked Comedian JB Masanduku Into Divorcing Her


Comedian JB Masanduku has told how his ex wife and radio personality Tina Kaggia cunningly got him to divorce her.

Speaking to Massawe Jappani on Radio Jambo, the funny man intimated that he and Tina had agreed to an amicable divorce that would not involve the public or the law.

But the mother of three went behind his back. She got people claiming to be offering Masanduku a job to call him.

“I am legally divorced, although at first we had agreed to do it privately without involving the court and the public. Then one day, I received a call from people asking to give me some job as an MC, which I agreed.

They tricked to meet me for the job. When I met the person, I found out it was her (Tina Kaggia’s) lawyer and a police officer, and they served me the divorce letter. I had to be attending the mentions, and finally we divorced,” he said.

According to Masanduku, they met while doing “voice tests here at Radio Jambo” and engaged her 11 days after meeting.

“We started dating as a joke and even wrote on social media. We received backlash, of course, and finally we said we needed to officiate everything. We went to her parents and we did our wedding, despite her being seven years older than me,” he told Massawe.

The comedian is now in another relationship which he says is very open unlike his previous marriage which lasted three years.

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Kaggia in 2017 said that her estranged husband was a habitual alcoholic who would disappear from home without letting her know of his whereabouts.

She also accused him of constantly cheating, causing her to slip into depression and at one time contemplated suicide.

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