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How to Conduct Effective Keyword Research for Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising can be a game-changer for sellers looking to boost their visibility and sales on the platform. However, the success of your PPC campaigns hinges on one critical factor: keyword research. Finding the right keywords ensures that your ads reach potential customers who are actively searching for products like yours. Let’s go through the steps to conduct effective keyword research for Amazon PPC, helping you maximise your ad spend and drive better results.

Understanding Keyword Research for Amazon PPC

Keyword research is the process of identifying the search terms that potential customers use when looking for products on Amazon. For PPC campaigns, targeting the right keywords is essential to ensure your ads appear in relevant search results. There are three main types of keywords to consider: broad, phrase, and exact match. Broad match keywords capture a wide range of search queries, phrase match targets specific word sequences, and exact match focuses on precise search terms. Understanding these types helps you tailor your campaigns to reach the right audience. Read this article if you want to learn more about campaign processes, including bid management.

Starting with Seed Keywords

Seed keywords are the foundation of your keyword research. These are basic terms related to your product that you will use to generate a broader list of keywords. To generate seed keywords, think about the main features, benefits, and uses of your product. Tools like Amazon’s search bar, where auto-suggestions appear as you type, can be a goldmine for discovering relevant seed keywords. For example, if you’re selling organic coffee, seed keywords might include “organic coffee,” “fair trade coffee,” and “coffee beans.”

Expanding Your Keyword List

Once you have your seed keywords, it’s time to expand your list. Keyword research tools such as Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and MerchantWords are excellent for finding long-tail keywords and related terms. Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that often have lower competition and higher conversion rates. Additionally, consider the user intent behind each keyword. For instance, “best organic coffee for French press” indicates a specific need and intent to purchase, making it a valuable keyword to target.

Analysing Keyword Competitiveness

Keyword competitiveness refers to how difficult it is to rank for a particular keyword. Highly competitive keywords are often dominated by well-established sellers, making it harder for new sellers to gain traction. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can help analyse keyword competitiveness. Look for a balance between high and low-competition keywords. Targeting a mix ensures you have opportunities to rank for less competitive terms while still going after high-volume keywords that can drive significant traffic.

Monitoring and Refining Your Keywords

Keyword performance can change over time, so it’s important to track and refine your keywords regularly. Use metrics like ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales), CTR (Click-Through Rate), and CPC (Cost Per Click) to gauge performance. Tools like Helium 10 and Amazon’s Campaign Manager provide valuable insights. Based on performance data, adjust bids, add new keywords, and remove underperforming ones. Continuous refinement ensures your PPC campaigns stay effective and profitable.

Signs Your Business Needs Amazon PPC

Have you been playing with the idea of Amazon PPC campaigns for a while? If you’ve not ventured into this world yet, you’ve got no idea what you’re missing out on. We’re talking about improving your sales and getting your products out there to millions. With the right campaign, you can transform your business.

Do you need some more convincing to embark on Amazon PPC campaigns? Let’s take a look at some of the signs your business will benefit the most from this move.

Sales are Poor

Have you noticed that your sales have been very poor recently? Perhaps you were doing well to begin with. Maybe your products are great, but you just can’t understand why nobody wants to buy them. Know that this can often be down to visibility. If people can’t find your products, then they won’t be able to purchase them. So, if your sales are poor, know that Amazon PPC campaigns can be the way to improve this visibility on the platform. You can target certain customers and ensure you’re putting your products out there in front of them.

There is a lot of Competition

Do you feel like your competition has dramatically increased recently? This isn’t something that you should accept. Indeed, you need to change your strategy and up your game. This way, you won’t lose your position in the market, and your competitors won’t take your sales. This is an opportunity for Amazon PPC to come in and change things. Indeed, you’re going to get your products out there and show how great they are. They’ll be more visible than your competition, which can generate more sales.

You Want to Speed Up Growth

Would you say you’re impatient and want to grow your business quickly? Know that something you can do is invest in Amazon PPC. This is a good way to increase sales and give your business momentum. Indeed, it can give you faster results and allow you to meet your business goals.


Effective keyword research is the backbone of successful Amazon PPC campaigns. By understanding the different types of keywords, using tools to expand and analyse your list, and continuously monitoring performance, you can optimise your ads to reach the right audience and drive more sales. Implement these steps and refine your strategy regularly to stay ahead in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

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