
How To Cook Crab

Cooking crab is a rewarding culinary experience that yields tender, sweet, and succulent meat. Whether you’re using live or pre-cooked crabs, the process is straightforward and can be tailored to your preferences. Here is how to cook crab.


Steps to Cook Crab

  1. Prepare the Crab
    If using live crabs, ensure they are fresh and lively. For frozen crabs, thaw them in the refrigerator for a few hours before cooking. Clean the crab by rinsing it thoroughly under running water.
  2. Choose Your Cooking Method
    Crab can be boiled, steamed, or baked depending on your preference.

Boiling Crab

Steaming Crab

Baking Crab

Once the crab is cooked, use crab crackers or a mallet to crack open the shell and extract the meat. Serve with melted butter, lemon wedges, or dipping sauces like garlic butter or spicy mayo.

Also Read: How To Cook Calamari

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