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How To Delete WhatsApp Status

WhatsApp Status allows users to share photos, videos, and text updates with their contacts for 24 hours. However, there may be times when you want to remove a status update before it expires. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of how to delete WhatsApp status from your account.

  1. Unlock your smartphone and launch the WhatsApp application. Ensure that you are logged in to your WhatsApp account with your phone number and have access to your contacts.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see several tabs, including Chats, Status, and Calls. Tap on the “Status” tab, which is represented by a circle icon with a “+” sign in the middle. This will take you to the Status section where you can view all your current status updates.
  3. Scroll through the list of status updates until you find the one you want to delete. WhatsApp statuses are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent updates appearing at the top of the list.
  4. Next to the status update you wish to delete, you’ll see three vertical dots (ellipsis) on the right-hand side. Tap on these dots to open a menu of options related to the status update.
  5. From the menu options that appear, select “Delete.” WhatsApp will ask you to confirm whether you want to delete the selected status update.
  6. Tap on the “Delete” button to confirm your decision. WhatsApp will immediately remove the selected status update from your account.
  7. After deleting the status, verify that it has been successfully removed from your account. You can do this by returning to the Status tab and checking that the deleted status is no longer visible.
  8. To prevent similar situations in the future, you may want to review your privacy settings for WhatsApp Status. You can choose to share your status updates with all your contacts, specific contacts, or exclude certain contacts altogether.

Also Read: How To Unmute Someone On WhatsApp Status

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