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How To Know Baby Gender Without Ultrasound

If you’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of your little one and want to predict the baby’s gender without resorting to ultrasound, you might find some fun in exploring traditional methods and old wives’ tales. Keep in mind that these methods are not scientifically proven, and the only accurate way to determine gender is through medical procedures. However, if you’re curious and want to have some fun, here are several ways how to know baby gender without ultrasound.

  1. Chinese Gender Prediction Chart

  1. Mayan Gender Prediction

  1. Ring Test

  1. Morning Sickness

  1. Cravings

  1. Heart Rate

  1. Carrying High or Low

  1. Ring and Hair Test

  1. Key Test

  1. Drano Test

This involves mixing Drano with a sample of the pregnant woman’s urine. The color change is believed to predict the baby’s gender.


Remember, these methods are simply for amusement and should not be considered reliable. For an accurate gender determination, consult with your healthcare provider and consider medical diagnostic methods.

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