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How To Make A Doll

How To Make A Doll

Making a doll can be a fun and creative process, whether you want a simple fabric doll, a paper doll, or a more detailed handmade figure. The method you choose depends on the materials available and the type of doll you want to create. Here is how to make a doll.

Choosing Materials

The first step is deciding what kind of doll you want to make. Fabric dolls require cloth and stuffing, while paper dolls need sturdy paper or cardboard. Clay dolls can be shaped and painted, while wooden dolls need carving tools.

Creating the Doll’s Body

For a fabric doll, cut two identical body shapes from fabric and sew them together, leaving a small opening. Turn the fabric inside out, stuff it with cotton or polyester filling, then sew the opening shut. For a paper doll, sketch or print a doll shape, cut it out, and add details like clothing and accessories. Clay dolls require molding, baking, or air-drying, then painting once hardened.

Adding Features

The doll’s face can be embroidered, painted, or drawn with markers. For fabric dolls, buttons or beads work well for eyes, and yarn or felt can be used for hair. Paper dolls can have facial features drawn directly, or stickers can be added. Clay or wooden dolls require careful painting to create realistic details.

Dressing the Doll

Clothes can be sewn from fabric or made from felt, lace, or ribbon. For paper dolls, create outfits separately and attach them with small tabs. Clay or wooden dolls may have clothing sculpted directly onto them or made from fabric.

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