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How To Make Roti Fast

How To Make Roti Fast

Roti, a staple in many cuisines, is a simple yet versatile flatbread. Making it quickly involves a streamlined process that ensures you spend less time in the kitchen without compromising on taste. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to make roti fast.

  1. Ingredients

Whole wheat flour, water, salt, and optional oil or ghee.

  1. Use a Food Processor

For faster dough preparation, use a food processor. Combine the flour and salt in the bowl, then gradually add water while the processor is running. This ensures a consistent dough without the need for manual kneading. If you prefer a softer texture, add a tablespoon of oil or ghee.

  1. Knead Efficiently

Once the dough comes together, knead it briefly. Aim for about 2-3 minutes to make the dough smooth and pliable. To save time, you can knead multiple portions at once. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for a few minutes. This rest period helps the dough become more elastic and easier to roll out.

  1. Roll with a Rolling Pin

Divide the dough into equal portions. To speed up rolling, use a rolling pin with a non-stick surface or a silicone baking mat. Lightly flour the surface to prevent sticking. Roll each portion into thin, even circles. For best results, ensure the dough is uniform in thickness to cook evenly.

  1. Cook Efficiently

Preheat a skillet or tawa over medium-high heat. Place the rolled dough onto the hot surface. Cook for about 30 seconds on each side, or until you see bubbles forming and the surface starts to brown. For an extra puff, press gently with a clean cloth or spatula. This step helps in achieving a soft and well-cooked roti.

  1. Keep Rotis Warm

As you cook, stack the finished rotis in a covered container or wrap them in a clean cloth. This keeps them warm and soft until you’re ready to serve.

Also Read: How To Make Prawns

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