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How To Play Hollywood On The Phone

How To Play Hollywood On The Phone

Hollywood is a fun and engaging word-guessing game that can be played with friends or family over the phone. It is similar to Hangman but follows a slightly different set of rules. The objective is to guess a word or phrase before running out of chances, making it a great way to test vocabulary and spelling skills while having fun. Here is how to play Hollywood on the phone.

Setting Up the Game

To play Hollywood on the phone, you need at least two players: one person to think of the word (the host) and another to guess (the player). The game can also be played in a group, where multiple players take turns guessing.

Choosing a Word or Phrase

The host selects a word or phrase and represents it using blank spaces. For example, if the chosen word is “ELEPHANT,” it would be displayed as:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If playing with phrases, spaces between words should be indicated.

Introducing the Hollywood System

Instead of drawing a hanging stick figure (as in Hangman), the game uses the word HOLLYWOOD to track incorrect guesses. Every time the player guesses a wrong letter, one letter from “HOLLYWOOD” is eliminated. If all the letters of “HOLLYWOOD” are lost, the player loses the game.

How to Play

  1. The host reveals the number of letters – The word or phrase is written as blank spaces to indicate missing letters.
  2. The player guesses letters one at a time – If the guessed letter is in the word, the host fills in the appropriate blanks. If not, a letter from “HOLLYWOOD” is removed.
  3. The game continues – The player keeps guessing until they either complete the word or lose all the letters of “HOLLYWOOD.”
  4. Winning or losing – If the player correctly guesses all letters before losing “HOLLYWOOD,” they win. If all letters in “HOLLYWOOD” are lost before the word is completed, the host wins.

Example Game Play

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