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How To Pronounce “Bourgeoisie”

How To Pronounce "Bourgeoisie"

Pronouncing foreign-derived words in English can be challenging, and “bourgeoisie” is one such word that often confuses learners and even native speakers. Originating from French, “bourgeoisie” refers to the middle or capitalist class, particularly in historical and economic contexts. Due to its French roots, the pronunciation may seem unfamiliar, but with the right approach, it becomes easier to say naturally. Here is how to pronounce “bourgeoisie”.

Standard Pronunciation of “Bourgeoisie”

The correct pronunciation of “bourgeoisie” in English is /ˌbʊrʒ.wɑːˈziː/ (boor-zhwah-ZEE). It consists of three syllables:

Since it is a borrowed French word, the pronunciation keeps some of its original elements, particularly the “zh” sound and the “wah” vowel combination.

Common Mistakes in Pronunciation

Many learners struggle with the middle syllable, often pronouncing it as a hard “g” (as in “burg” or “burger”) instead of the correct “zh” sound. Others might mistakenly pronounce the final “ie” as “eye” instead of “ee.” Another common error is overcomplicating the pronunciation by exaggerating the French accent, making it sound unnatural in English.

Tips for Correct Pronunciation

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