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How To Pronounce “Hyundai”

How To Pronounce "Hyundai"

The word “Hyundai” is widely recognized as the name of the South Korean automobile manufacturer, but its pronunciation can be confusing for many English speakers. Depending on the country and context, “Hyundai” is pronounced in different ways. Understanding the correct pronunciation, along with regional variations, will help you say it more naturally in conversation. Here is how to pronounce Hyundai.

Standard Pronunciation of “Hyundai”

There are three common pronunciations of “Hyundai”:

Breaking Down the Pronunciation

Common Mistakes in Pronunciation

Many people mistakenly pronounce “Hyundai” as “HYUN-die” (with a strong “y” sound) or “HYUN-day” with unnecessary emphasis on the first syllable. Others may attempt to pronounce every letter phonetically, which does not match how it is commonly spoken.

Tips for Correct Pronunciation

Also Read: How To Pronounce “Author”

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