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How To Repeat A Video On YouTube

Repeating a video on YouTube is a convenient way to enjoy your favorite content without manually restarting it. Here’s how to repeat a video on YouTube.

How to Get the Repeat Button 

YouTube’s interface may vary slightly depending on the device and platform you’re using, but you can typically find the repeat button in the following ways:


How to Get the Repeat Button on YouTube on Desktop

Right-click on the video player while the video is playing to access the context menu. Look for the “Loop” or “Repeat” option in the menu and click on it to enable repeat mode.

How to Get the Repeat Button on YouTube On mobile Phone

Tap on the video player screen while the video is playing to bring up the playback controls. Look for the three-dot menu icon or the settings icon, usually located in the top-right corner of the screen. Tap on it to open the options menu, then select the “Loop” or “Repeat” option to activate repeat mode.

Some third-party YouTube apps or browser extensions may also offer additional features, including a dedicated repeat button. If you prefer using these alternatives, explore their settings or options menu to enable repeat playback.

By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly repeat your favorite YouTube videos and enjoy uninterrupted playback of your preferred content.

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