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How To Stream Crunchyroll On Discord: A Step-By-Step Guide

If you’re an anime enthusiast and want to share the excitement of watching Crunchyroll with your friends on Discord, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to stream Crunchyroll on Discord.

  1. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to stream content on Discord. You might need to be the server owner or have the “Manage Server” permission.
  2. Select a server where you want to stream Crunchyroll. You can either create a new server or use an existing one.
  3. To stream music or share audio, you’ll need a bot. Rythm is a popular choice for Discord. Invite Rythm to your server using the official website or any other preferred music bot.
  4. Join a voice channel in your Discord server. Type the command !join in the text channel to connect Rythm to the voice channel.
  5. Use the !play command followed by the link to the Crunchyroll video you want to watch. Make sure to grab the link directly from Crunchyroll to ensure proper playback.
  6. Rythm provides various commands to control playback. Use !volume to adjust the volume and !pause or !resume to pause or resume the playback.
  7. If you want to share the video visually, you can use Discord’s screen-sharing feature. Click on the “Share Your Screen” option in the voice channel and choose the application window where Crunchyroll is playing.
  8. Ensure everyone is ready to start watching at the same time. Discord doesn’t sync video playback, so coordinating when to press play is essential.
  9. Utilize the text channels on Discord to chat and discuss the anime while watching. This enhances the shared viewing experience.
  10. Once the viewing session is complete, you can use the `!disconnect` command to disconnect Rythm from the voice channel.

Also Read: How to Link Discord to PS5

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