WhatsApp is a popular messaging platform, and sometimes, you may wonder if someone has blocked you. While WhatsApp doesn’t provide a direct notification for being blocked, there are several signs that can help you figure it out. Here’s how to know you are blocked on WhatsApp.
No Profile Picture or Status Updates
If you can’t see the contact’s profile picture or status updates, they may have blocked you. However, this isn’t always a definitive sign, as they might have changed their privacy settings.
No “Last Seen” Information
If you can’t see when the contact was last online, it could indicate that you’ve been blocked. Again, this can also be due to privacy settings.
Messages Sent but Not Delivered
While considering how to know you are blocked on WhatsApp, when you send a message to a blocked contact, it will only have one gray tick (message sent) but won’t have the second gray tick (message delivered).
Calls Don’t Go Through
If your calls to this contact never seem to go through and you don’t hear the phone ringing, it might mean they’ve blocked you.
Group Chat Exclusion
If you were in a group chat with the person who may have blocked you, and you can no longer see their messages, it’s possible you’ve been blocked.
Mutual Contact Check
If you have a mutual friend or contact who is also friends with the person in question, ask them to check if they can see the suspected blocker’s profile picture, status, or last seen information.
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If they can and you can’t, it’s a strong indicator.
No Blue Ticks
If your messages used to have blue ticks (indicating that they were read) and now they only have gray ticks (indicating they were sent but not read), it’s a sign you might be blocked.
Profile Picture or Status Not Updating
If the person’s profile picture or status hasn’t changed for a long time, it could suggest that they are no longer sharing updates with you, possibly because you’ve been blocked.
Creating a New WhatsApp Account
You can try creating a new WhatsApp account and adding the suspected blocker as a contact. If they block you again on the new account, it’s a strong confirmation.
Respect Privacy
Keep in mind that some people may change their privacy settings for various reasons, not necessarily because they want to block you. Always respect their choice, and if in doubt, it’s better to reach out and discuss any concerns openly.
It’s important to note that while these signs can indicate that you’ve been blocked, they are not foolproof. WhatsApp is constantly updating its features and privacy settings, so some behaviors may change. In any case, it’s best to approach the situation with sensitivity and consider reaching out to the person directly if you suspect you’ve been blocked to clarify any misunderstandings or issues.