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How To Transfer Data From MTN To MTN

Transferring data from one MTN line to another is a convenient way to share your internet allowance with friends, family, or colleagues. Whether you have surplus data or want to help someone in need of extra data, MTN’s data transfer service enables seamless sharing. In this simplified guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of how to transfer data from MTN to MTN, ensuring you can share connectivity with ease.


  1. Check Data Balance
    • Before initiating the data transfer, ensure that you have sufficient data balance on your MTN line to share with others. Dial 1314# or text “2” to 131 to check your data balance.
  2. Activate Data Transfer Service
    • To enable data transfer on your MTN line, you need to activate the service by dialing a specific activation code.
    • Dial 1312*1# and follow the on-screen prompts to activate the MTN data transfer service.
  3. Select Data Transfer Option
    • Once the data transfer service is activated, you can proceed to transfer data to another MTN line.
    • Dial 1312*2# to access the data transfer menu and select the option to transfer data.
  4. Enter Recipient’s Number
    • After selecting the data transfer option, you’ll be prompted to enter the recipient’s MTN phone number to which you want to transfer data.
    • Carefully input the recipient’s 10-digit phone number to ensure accurate transfer.
  5. Choose Data Amount
    • After entering the recipient’s phone number, you’ll be asked to specify the amount of data you want to transfer.
    • Select the data bundle size or volume you wish to transfer from your available data balance.
  6. Confirm Data Transfer
    • Once you’ve selected the data amount to transfer, review the details displayed on your screen to ensure accuracy.
    • Confirm the data transfer transaction by following the on-screen prompts or entering the required confirmation code.
  7. Receive Confirmation Message
    • After confirming the data transfer, you and the recipient will receive confirmation messages from MTN.
    • The confirmation messages will contain details of the data transfer transaction, including the amount of data transferred and the recipient’s phone number.
  8. Check Data Balance
    • To verify that the data transfer was successful, check the data balance on both your MTN line and the recipient’s line.
    • Dial 1314# or text “2” to 131 to check the data balance and ensure that the transferred data reflects accurately.
    • With the data transfer successfully completed, the recipient can now enjoy the shared data allowance on their MTN line.
    • Use the shared data for browsing, streaming, or any other internet-related activities as needed.

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