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How To Use A Coffee Plunger

How To Use A Coffee Plunger

Coffee plungers, also known as French presses, offer a simple yet effective way to brew delicious coffee with a rich and robust flavor. If you’re new to using a coffee plunger, fear not! This guide will take you through the step-by-step process to brew a perfect cup of coffee right in your own kitchen.

Using a coffee plunger might seem intimidating at first, but once you master the technique, you’ll be able to enjoy freshly brewed coffee that rivals your favorite coffee shop. Here is how to use a coffee plunger.

To begin, gather your coffee plunger, freshly ground coffee beans (coarsely ground works best), hot water just off the boil (about 200°F or 93°C), and a stirring utensil (wooden or plastic is ideal to avoid scratching the glass).

  1. Measure out your coffee grounds based on your desired strength. A general guideline is one tablespoon of coffee grounds per 4 ounces of water, but adjust to taste. Place the coffee grounds into the bottom of the plunger.
  2. Pour the hot water over the coffee grounds, ensuring they are fully immersed. Leave a small gap at the top to prevent overflow when you plunge.
  3. Use your stirring utensil to gently stir the coffee and water mixture. This helps to ensure that all the grounds are fully saturated, promoting an even extraction of flavor.
  4. Place the lid and plunger on the top of the coffee plunger, but do not press down yet. Let the coffee steep for about 4 minutes. Adjust the steeping time longer or shorter based on your preference for a stronger or milder brew.
  5. After the steeping time is complete, slowly press down on the plunger with even pressure. The mesh filter will push the coffee grounds to the bottom, separating them from the brewed coffee above.
  6. Once the plunger is fully pressed down, pour the freshly brewed coffee into your favorite mug. Take a moment to appreciate the aroma and rich flavor of your homemade brew. Add milk, sugar, or enjoy it black—however you prefer!

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