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I Shall not Contest for Position of Siaya Governor – Opiyo Wandayi

Ugunja Member of Parliament (MP) Opiyo Wandayi has said that he will not be contesting for the position of Siaya Governor in 2022.

Through a statement, the legislator intimated that he arrived at the decision following consultative meetings with the ODM party and its leader Raila Odinga.

Thus, his decision is for the best interest of the party as well as to support Odinga’s Presidential bid in the 2022 polls.

“Following extensive consultations with the ODM leadership and the rank and file of the Party and, having listened keenly to the voices of my Ugunja constituents, I wish to make it known that I shall not be a candidate for the position of Governor of Siaya County in 2022,” the statement reads in part.

Read: Police Spokesperson Charles Owino Declares Interest In Siaya Gubernatorial Seat

It adds, ” In the meantime, I will dedicate my time and energy to the task of ensuring that H.E. Raila Odinga becomes the 5th President of the Republic of Kenya even as I continue to serve the people of Ugunja.”

The 2022 Siaya Gubernatorial contest has attracted different candidates among them former Police Spokesperson Charles Owino and Siaya Senator James Orengo.

Earlier in the year, Owino announced that he would be going for the position adding that he was competent enough to vie.

Read Also: Siaya Governor Rasanga Terms Claims Of Sh2 Billion County Offices As Fake

“For now I am still in office and cannot delve much into matters of politics. What you should understand is that retirement is a process and at 60 years it is called forced retirement but from 50 you can retire early from public service,” he said.

Owino who revealed that he would contest under the ODM ticket outlined that he would ensure sustainable projects like water projects are initiated for the benefit of the people and transformation of the county.

There are also some talks that James Orengo, the current Siaya Senator will be going for the position although he is yet to formally announce his bid.

Governor Cornel Rasanga’s tenure comes to an end next year after serving for two terms.

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