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I would be Interior CS if Raila was President – Maina Njenga

maina njenga

Former Mungiki Leader Maina Njenga. [COURTESY]

Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga has alleged that Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party leader Raila Odinga would have appointed him to his Cabinet had he clinched the presidency in 2022.

Speaking to Kameme TV on Thursday, Njenga revealed that had the former prime minister become Kenya’s fifth president, then he would be Interior CS.

“I would be now the one in charge of (Prof Kithure) Kindiki’s docket because I was promised the Interior Cabinet Secretary position if Raila won the election,” he said.

Read: Ex-Mungiki Leader Maina Njenga Abandoned by Captors in Limuru

He also told Kameme TV that when the presidential results were announced, he advised Raila to denounce them and instead call for demonstrations.

It is then that the ODM leader appointed him Director of Operations for the nationwide demonstrations.

In his capacity, he had more 1,000 demonstrators assemble in Kamukunji.

Read Also: Ex-Mungiki Leader Maina Njenga Allegedly Abducted in Banana

“After William Ruto was sworn into office, Baba (Raila) called and asked me my take on the turnaround of events. I told him things didn’t go well,” he said.

“We had a meeting and I advised Raila we deny the election results and start demonstrations. We started demonstrations and I was made Director of Operations. I organized more than 1000 demonstrators at Kamukunji until Raila was unable to access Nairobi CBD.”

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