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Ibrahim Dimbil Files Petition Against CJ Maraga, Claims He Is Unfit To Hold Office


CJ David Maraga [Photo/Courtesy]

A Kenyan citizen Yussuf Ibrahim Dimbil  has filed a petition for the removal of Chief Justice David Maraga stating that he had many mistakes during his tenure.

According to Dimbil the chief justice has attended political rallies, attended homecomings and even made political statements which he termed as reckless.

The petitioner that Maraga failed to declare conflict of interest  during hearing of the presidential election petition as one of the lawyers in the petition was his nephew.

“That in the presidential petition No 1 of 2017, Brian Onderi who is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya and who was on the record together with other advocates for the petitioner, is a nephew of the Chief Justice. This is critical in that, despite having full knowledge of this fact, the Chief Justice went ahead to hear and determine the petition whereas the basis of this simple fact, bias both in fact and appearance would, to any reasonable person, arise,” the petition reads in part.

This petition comes just days after a city lawyer filed a petition against four Supreme court judges . He said tat the judges were corrupt and biased while delivering the ruling upholding the election of Wajir governor Mohamed Abdi. The petition was made to the Judicial Service Commission.

Last year another city lawyer Adrian Njenga had filed a petition against Chief Justice Maraga, DCJ Philomena Mwilu and five members of the Judicial service commission.

In September of 2017, Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu filed a petition to remove the chief justice after the Supreme court ruling nullifying the presidential election. He withdrew the petition after the President intervene urging his party members to focus on the Presidential election of October 26, 2017.

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